What are MSPs and How Your Organization Can Benefit

By The Tech Team | March 15, 2023

With the ever-evolving digital landscape, many businesses are finding that their IT departments are not equipped to handle the complexity of tasks needed to stay in pace with technology. As a result, IT departments are becoming reactive rather than proactive and struggle to keep up with the demands of growing businesses.

If businesses are still on the fence about outsourcing their IT, it might be time for a change. As businesses grow, managed service providers (MSPs) can step in and offer cost-effective and flexible solutions to increased IT needs. Here are some of the benefits of outsourcing your IT to a managed service provider.

What Does MSP Stand For?

An MSP is a specialized company that offers a wide range of IT services to businesses on a subscription basis. By partnering with an MSP, businesses can offload the complexities and challenges of their IT needs to experts, ensuring that their systems remain secure, efficient, and up to date. This allows companies to focus on their core business activities while benefiting from the latest technology and industry best practices. MSPs also provide proactive support and strategic advice, helping businesses to scale and adapt to evolving technological landscapes.

Break-Fix Service Providers vs. Managed Service Providers

When it comes to outsourcing your IT needs, there are two types of service providers – break-fix service providers and managed service providers.

Break-Fix Service Providers

Break-fix service providers refer to the fee-for-service model of providing IT services for a business. In other words, an IT provider performs services as needed and invoices the business accordingly.

Typically, they will charge for on-site visits (higher charges may apply for emergency visits) with clients experiencing longer response and service times. This service may be ideal for businesses that do not require substantial amounts of IT assistance.

Managed service providers (MSPs)

Managed service providers refer to the subscription-based (or monthly service fee) model of providing IT services for a business that typically includes managing and maintaining an organization’s IT infrastructure, applications, and systems.

More specifically, it is the management of hardware, software, networks, data storage solutions, security, and other related services. By outsourcing the management of their IT infrastructure and help desk support, businesses can free up resources to focus on other business activities.

Also, unlike break-fix service providers, MSPs act as IT consultants and provide expert advice when their clients need to make strategic IT decisions. Managed IT service providers aim to provide organizations of all sizes with dependable, secure, and cost-effective solutions to their technology needs. In fact, more organizations are opting for MSPs to reduce their IT risks now and in the future.


Benefits of MSPs

Cost-Effective Solution

Outsourcing services to an MSP offers an organization the ability to cut operational expenses freeing up resources to focus on other core business activities. MSPs can help businesses reduce overall IT expenses by providing cost-effective solutions eliminating the need to hire additional staff. Furthermore, businesses can use an MSP to fill in for staff shortages or eliminate the need to hire and train in-house IT staff.

Access to Expertise & Experience

MSPs provide businesses with immediate access to well-qualified experienced IT professionals that will ensure businesses stay current with the latest technologies. Additionally, their expertise ensures that businesses can maximize their efficiency and productivity.

Also, if IT teams are at or near capacity, an MSP can free them up to focus on other tasks and, in some cases, save the organization the expense of training internal staff in skills that are rarely required.

Improved Security

Many businesses fall victim to hacking due to poor network security. MSPs provide businesses with the necessary security solutions to avoid breaches and protect data and systems from potential threats. This includes regular security updates, malware protection, data backups, endpoint monitoring, and other actions to help keep your business safe from cyberattacks.



As a business grows, the IT department will take on new functions and processes, adding to their already-full workload. This is where an MSP’s flexibility and responsiveness to IT changes allows a business to stay productive and avoid downtime.

MSPs provide the number of services and level of support needed to handle any IT issues that arise. An MSP also allows businesses to add or remove services as needed without investing in additional hardware or software.

Help Desk and User Support

MSPs provide 24×7 help desk and user support to businesses, 365 days a year. They ensure problems get resolved quickly, allowing businesses to continue running smoothly.

Managed IT services are a valuable resource for all types of organizations. By outsourcing their IT needs to an MSP, businesses can save time and money while ensuring their systems remain secure and current. A In the end, managed IT services are essential for companies that want to stay competitive in today’s digital environment.


Outsourcing to an MSP

Managed service providers offer a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking to enhance their IT capabilities while reducing operational costs. By outsourcing IT management to an MSP, organizations can benefit from expert support, improved security, and scalability tailored to their specific needs.

Whether it’s maintaining up-to-date technology, providing 24/7 support, or ensuring robust data protection, MSPs enable businesses to focus on their core operations and strategic growth. Leveraging the expertise and resources of an MSP is becoming an essential strategy for staying competitive and resilient in today’s fast-paced business environment.

For businesses ready to take their IT to the next level, partnering with a reliable MSP like thirtyone3 technology can provide the peace of mind and technical excellence needed to thrive.

About thirtyone3 technology – Arizona’s Leading MSP for Businesses of all Sizes

Your everything IT – thirtyone3 technology is a leading managed IT services provider that offers comprehensive solutions for businesses of all sizes. With our team of experienced IT professionals, we provide businesses with the expertise and resources necessary to keep their systems running smoothly and efficiently.

We understand that there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution to a business’ IT needs and offer customized solutions to meet their growing challenges. thirtyone3 technology’s goal is to put more minds at ease.

For more information on how we can add value to your organization, contact us today at 623.850.5392 or fill out our contact form here.

Frequently Asked Questions About MSPs

MSPs handle data privacy and compliance by implementing strict security protocols and staying up-to-date with the latest regulatory requirements. They often have specialized knowledge in various industry regulations, such as HIPAA for healthcare or GDPR for businesses operating in Europe. To ensure compliance, MSPs conduct regular audits, provide encryption for data at rest and in transit, and maintain comprehensive records of data handling activities. They also offer training and support to help businesses understand and comply with relevant regulations.

When evaluating and selecting an MSP, businesses should consider several criteria. First, look for certifications and partnerships with major technology vendors, which indicate a high level of expertise and reliability. Assess the MSP’s experience and track record by reviewing customer testimonials and case studies. Evaluate the MSP’s service level agreements (SLAs) to ensure they offer the level of support and uptime guarantees that your business requires. Additionally, consider the MSP’s responsiveness, communication skills, and their ability to provide customized solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Yes, MSPs can integrate with existing IT teams and infrastructure. The integration process typically starts with a thorough assessment of the current IT environment to identify areas where the MSP can provide support and enhancement. This may involve working collaboratively with the in-house IT team to understand their workflows, tools, and challenges. The MSP then develops a tailored plan to complement and augment the existing IT capabilities, ensuring a smooth transition and minimal disruption. Regular communication and defined roles and responsibilities help maintain a cohesive working relationship between the MSP and the internal IT staff.

MSPs ensure continuous improvement and adaptation to new technologies by investing in ongoing training and professional development for their staff. They actively monitor industry trends and emerging technologies to keep their services cutting-edge. MSPs often have research and development teams dedicated to exploring innovative solutions and integrating them into their service offerings. They also engage in regular reviews and consultations with their clients to understand evolving business needs and to make proactive recommendations for technology upgrades and improvements. This commitment to continuous learning and adaptation helps clients stay competitive in a rapidly changing technological landscape.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in March 2023 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.